Please fill out the online application form.2
You will be asked to submit an application fee when filling out the form.3
School Reports
Send pages 2&3 to your son’s current yeshiva to be filled out and returned.4
After review by the hanhala, qualified candidates will becontacted to schedule
a farher.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the farher process at Ohr Naftoli?
Once the completed application, application fee, and supporting documents are received, the information will be reviewed by the Menahel and the yeshiva office will reach out via email to suitable candidates to schedule a Farher/Interview.
How should my son prepare for his farher?
Your son should prepare an Amud of Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos of his choosing to read inside. Additionally, he will be asked questions on the Mesechta he is currently learning in yeshiva.
How do in/out Shabbosim work?
9th and 10th grade – An off Shabbos is followed by an in-Shabbos. The following 2 in-Shabbosim are optional.
11th grade – Beis Medrash – An off Shabbos is followed by 3 in-Shabbosim.
Can my son who is applying spend a Shabbos in yeshiva?
While we currently do not have the option for an applicant to spend a Shabbos in Yeshiva, applicants are more than welcome to spend time at the yeshiva on the day of their farher to experience the special ruach of the yeshiva.
What is the daily schedule in the yeshiva?
Click here for the daily schedule.