Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving
creating a legacy
Continue your support of Ohr Naftoli while providing for your loved ones.
Your estate is entitled to an unlimited estate tax charitable deduction for bequests to qualified charitable organizations. Through your estate, you can ensure Ohr Naftoli has the financial resources it needs to transform lives by offering an extraordinary, yet accessible Torah education to future generations of students.
There are many planned giving options, some offering guaranteed lifetime income, some letting you keep your assets now while having an enduring impact tomorrow. Whichever you choose, please contact our gift planning staff for assistance and additional information regarding minimum requirements to fund Jewish education for our youth enabling a bright future for the Jewish people.

Ways to Make a LEGACY GIFT
Keep complete control of your assets during your lifetime, while creating an everlasting impact on generations of Ohr Naftoli talmidim.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Gift Annuities
Convert cash or appreciated securities into guaranteed income for life while proffering a considerable gift to Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli.
Retirement Funds
Retirement Funds
Naming Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401K or other qualified plans will allow the remainder of your plan to be passed to Ohr Naftoli tax-free after your lifetime.
IRA Charitable Rollover
IRA Charitable Rollover
At or after age 70.5, provide a gift up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli without having to pay income taxes.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Transfer ownership of an existing policy, name Ohr Naftoli as a beneficiary, or purchase a new policy and name Ohr Naftoli as the primary beneficiary.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Arrange a trust for Ohr Naftoli using cash, bonds, real estate or other assets, allowing you to arrange a legacy gift now and receive immediate charitable income tax deduction while enjoying the interest income or use of the gifted asset for life.
Charitable Lead Trusts
Charitable Lead Trusts
Reduce estate and gift taxes by making a significant gift to benefit Yeshiva Ohr Naftoli while allowing you to retain the principal in trust for heirs.
Gifts of Retained Life Interests in Real Estate
Gifts of Retained Life Interests in Real Estate
Transfer the ownership of a personal residence or other property to Ohr Naftoli while retaining the right to use the property during your lifetime and receive an immediate income-tax deduction.